
CFPB Announces Electronic Filings Under Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)...

CFPB Takes Action Against Check Cashing and Payday Lending Company for Tricking and Trapping Consumers

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) today...

FTC Issues Final Rule Establishing Process for Approval of Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority’s Budget

The Federal Trade Commission has made updates to its Rules of Practice, establishing a formal process by which the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority...

FTC To Hold Informal Hearing on Proposed Impersonation Rule

The Federal Trade Commission will hold an informal hearing on its proposed rule prohibiting government and business impersonation at 1 p.m. on May 4,...

FTC Seeks Comment on Business Practices of Cloud Computing Providers that Could Impact Competition and Data Security

The Federal Trade Commission staff are seeking information on the business practices of cloud computing providers including issues related to the market power of...

CFPB toma acción contra Loan Doctor y Edgar Radjabli

WASHINGTON, D.C. – La Oficina para la Protección...

Reservistas y Guardias Nacionales pagan más intereses

WASHINGTON, D.C. – La Oficina para la Protección...

CFPB propone normas para detectar delincuentes reincidentes

WASHINGTON, D.C. – La Oficina para la Protección...

CFPB ordena a UniTeller reembolsar tarifas y pagar multa

WASHINGTON, D.C. – La Oficina para la Protección...


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