2022 Women in Information Security Recognition Program Open for Nominations

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NEW YORK, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, May 27, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Cybersecurity business intelligence company CyberRisk Alliance and its flagship information and events brand SC Media announces that its 2022 Women in IT Security program is open for nominations. Now in its ninth year, the Women in IT Security program recognizes information security professionals who have made exceptional contributions to the cybersecurity field in North America.

The Women in IT Security program spotlights women who have demonstrated significant expertise, commitment, and influence in shaping the industryโ€™s future and elevating the practice of information security. Across four categories, the program celebrates women who have faced security challenges with innovative approaches, reshaped the industry paradigm, and made a positive impact on the advancement of cybersecurity.

This year, women from the entire cybersecurity ecosystem, including practitioners, market suppliers and research organizations, will be recognized in four categories:

โ€ข Cybersecurity Veterans who have delivered consistent performance and innovation over long careers.

โ€ข Power Players who through market engagement and commitment have risen to positions of influence.

โ€ข Advocates who have advanced cybersecurity awareness and served as beacons for expansion and diversity in the field.

โ€ข Women to Watch who are commanding attention as drivers of the industryโ€™s next wave of growth and innovation.

Honorees will be featured across SC Mediaโ€™s integrated media channels. In addition to honoree profiles, our editorial team will include in-depth analysis of womenโ€™s evolving presence in cybersecurity year-round, with special coverage during Womenโ€™s History Month in March. The 2022 honorees will be selected by SC Mediaโ€™s editorial staff, under the leadership of Senior Vice President of Content Strategy at CyberRisk Alliance Jill Aitoro and with the guidance of an advisory panel of women leaders in the field that includes prior-year honorees.

โ€œWe want to hear about women advocating for other women of all races and background, and we want to know how women of all races and backgrounds contribute to the knowledge base to benefit all,โ€ explains Aitoro. โ€œThis is really a program intended to spotlight the advantage of broadening the aperture to recognize talent and power where it exists โ€“ not just where societal norms have historically led us to look.โ€

The Women in IT Security nominations are open through June 24, 2022. Honorees will be unveiled digitally on September 12, 2022.

Nomination details including eligibility and overview are available here.

About CyberRisk Alliance

CyberRisk Alliance (CRA) is a business intelligence company serving the high growth, rapidly evolving cybersecurity community with a diversified portfolio of services that inform, educate, build community, and inspire an efficient marketplace. Our trusted information leverages a unique network of journalists, analysts and influencers, policymakers, and practitioners. CRAโ€™s brands include SC Media, SecurityWeekly, ChannelE2E, MSSP Alert, InfoSec World, Identiverse, Cybersecurity Collaboration Forum, its research unit CRA Business Intelligence, and the peer-to-peer CISO membership network, Cybersecurity Collaborative. Click here to learn more.

Jenn Jones
CyberRisk Alliance
+16178338853 ext.

Article originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/574305527/2022-women-in-information-security-recognition-program-open-for-nominations

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