FTC Announces Virtual Workshop on Predatory Pricing

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The Federal Trade Commission will host a virtual public workshop on December 18, 2024, that will examine predatory pricing and its potential effects on consumers, competition, and innovation.

The workshop, Competition Snuffed Out: How Predatory Pricing Harms Competition, Consumers, and Innovation, will feature speakers with experience on how predatory pricing has impacted competition and consumers. Economists, academics, and antitrust litigators will discuss predatory pricing caselaw and economic scholarship.

FTC Chair Lina M. Khan will provide opening remarks at the workshop.

Topics to be discussed will include:

  • How does predatory pricing harm competition, consumers, and innovation?
  • What would a successful predatory pricing case look like under current doctrine?
  • How does the Supreme Court’s decision in Brooke Group align with current market dynamics?
  • Under what circumstances does current economic literature and legal scholarship suggest that predatory pricing can be an effective, profit-maximizing strategy to gain or entrench market power?
  • Does legal doctrine need to change to match modern-day economic realities? How so?

The workshop is scheduled from 9:30am to 12:30pm ET. Additional information, including a list of speakers and the agenda, will be posted on the event page in advance of the workshop. A link to view the workshop will be posted to the FTC’s website at FTC.gov the morning of the event.

Official news published at https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2024/11/ftc-announces-virtual-workshop-predatory-pricing

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